Jesus, it’s been so long…

Well…if this works then good! I am moving this blog to a new site, this one will stay up as a record though.

My new site is still in the works, but once it is completed I’ll let ya’ll know

Sadly due to the new terms this platform requires, I can no longer stay. I will eventually have a subscription button for the new site!

Kushiel aka Ember Greenheart (Emberheart)


I know that it has been awhile since the last time I was on here and wrote. Things have changed, and I’ve considered several different ways I could do this. In the end, I decided that I am still going to follow the Norse Pantheon(In fact, Loki tried to come back and I told him now was not a good time, maybe someday) and work with others (That includes you, Odin, though I have some bones to pick with you on how you did some things). Also, the coven that I was part of, disbanded for personal reasons and I am not upset about it, I actually had a feeling that it was coming down to this.  While the coven may no longer be around, I am going to be involved in something new, and once it is finalized I will be posting a link to it for anyone interested.

Since I am planning on following the Norse, I am going back into researching all the Deities that I know of. Here soon new posts will be out on the information and may be changed at any time if anything new comes about or if I get a message that the information I’ve gathered needs to be removed or stopped (I will let you know if something happens on the last two). I am also trying to find alternate ways for income so I may drop off the face of the earth once more when things start to get hectic once more.
I am still planning on having an Etsy Store, but it is also in the works, no idea on when it will be up and running quite yet.

Other than the weird dreams that I’ve been having the last two weeks, nothing new has happened~

Blessed Be!

Updates 2017

Hello all~ Yes I do indeed live!

Life, both in mundane and magickal, have been busy. I can not say much about the magickal, but what I can state is not… *moves hand in a wobbly movement* Not good, but not bad either to a degree.

First, there was a situation with Loki, one that has made me decide to personally split from him. I’m not upset to the point where I may never work with Him again, but right now I think I need to branch away. I’m planning on packing His stuff and keeping it in storage, either to eventually bring it out or pass it to someone.

Second, due to said situation with Loki, I had ended up getting a message from Lady Athena. It was surprising to say the least as I was sobbing pretty hard that I couldn’t hear very well. (I don’t cry often nor hard, so the fact that I was doing both was its own issue.) I’m slightly wary about it, and I’ve never felt a strong connection to any particular female Deity, so I’m planning on going slowly, not diving head-first like I kinda did with Loki.

Third, and final, I GOT A KINDLE! I’ve had it for a month now and I adore it. I can now carry as many as my books as I want, both mundane and other. Now my purse won’t bulge like I’m packing a armory and the whole kitchen in it!

Blessed Be~

Sacred Dissobedience 

Magick From Scratch

Deity: You seem to be in a good situation, with respect to your household. Which of your gods set you up?

Me: I… Actually you can’t credit my gods with this one. Every last one of them told me to stay away from him. I married him anyway. So that’s all me.

I got to thinking about where I’d be today if I had obeyed the gods on this issue.

I never would have finished college. I’d be living in a place isolated from any sort of suitable pagan community. I never would have learned Kabalah, or Ceremonial Magic. I would have been unable to bring those exegetical techniques to Hellenismos.

I would be struggling with poverty. I might not have access to suitable doctors to manage my health conditions. I would be in pain most of the time, and possibly not even know why.

A core tennant of Consent Culture…

View original post 610 more words

How To Blót ? – The Basics

Whispers of Yggdrasil

In the past few years, I’ve been writing about the Norse Pagan Traditions, feasts, Blóts etc. and I realised that I have never wrote a post to help people starting their blóts or at least giving a brief notion of how it is done. Some people have already asked me how to make sacrifices and offerings and I have always helped them, giving to them the knowledge that I have about that subject, but never occur to me that I could actually write a post about it and maintain even more people informed.

In the Hávamál there are at least two lines that ask if one knows how to bid (pray) and how to sacrifice.
I understand that so many have still a lot of difficulty with this kind of practice, no one has ever born with all the knowledge about these things. It takes time. We live in a world…

View original post 878 more words

All Hallows Update


What I wore,  ADORE my new pointy hat! x3

Hello All!

At first I was not sure if I was going to do this, but in the end I decided that I should for it would help me in the long run. I am now a fully initiated witch in my coven! It took me a bit longer than others to decide on my name, but in the end I did find it. No, I will not be stating what it is on here, for you all have my public name (Kushiel Blackheart) and the other is my covens’. I’m wondering about deciding on a personal one for my solitary works, but have yet to have the urge to find it like I did with my coven.

We played several games throughout the day, ones that would let us collect points to get prizes and watched a few informational videos in between. The weather was epic, 70 degrees! We got hot while playing the scavenger hunt that we had in the wooded backyard. The Bingo game was amusing, for several of us were fighting to win via a single spot. Sadly, due to personal reasons we did loose a member on that day, but they were notified that should they decide to come back that we would do so with open hearts and arms.

I did have some videos to show, but my plan on here doesn’t support it yet.

Antsy Autumn

Normally once autumn comes around my body starts to go into its “hibernation” mode. Not this year. I don’t know why but I’ve been wanting to ‘move’ to do SOMETHING. I’ve started my plants, got back into my creative wire wrappings and oddly….I want to clean.

I have never really been an organized person, even if my astrological sign is a Virgo (organized chaos has been my calling card for years!). Bad habits from living with my mother continued to becoming bad adult ones and its something that I do want to break out of. I think this is in part of why I am so antsy, my physical and spiritual body has had enough of being stagnant and now wants to ‘move‘!

It is slow going though, for my many ideas require more money and time than what I have as of right now. It gets upsetting at times being constricted by those two things, but sadly I have to pull up those big girl panties and adult. Eventually I will get my ideas done, and then become more organized and aware of what is needed when I get antsy again.